Hosting group presentations in your community is an important marketing component for many funeral homes. When executed correctly, group presentations can help share the benefits of advance funeral planning with more families. Even though hosting these community events is very different from funerals, planning group presentations utilizes the highly developed planning skills that funeral professionals already possess.
There are three benefits to hosting group presentations:
1. Increase Brand Recognition
Increasing your funeral home’s visibility in the community helps position you as an expert and trusted source. According to Homesteaders’ latest policy owner survey, more than 70% of consumers consider only one funeral home when making their prearrangements. The visibility gained by speaking to your community puts your funeral home top of mind when consumers are ready to plan their funerals.
2. Remove Barriers
Group presentations can also knock down barriers. Many people want to discuss funeral planning or at least learn more about it, but don’t necessarily want to come to a funeral home. Holding a lunch and learn or dinner program at a neutral location can take away the fear or intimidation of going to a funeral home.
3. Generate Trust
Group presentations can also help establish you and your firm as a trusted source in the community. Your expertise helps you engage with the audience and share stories they can relate to. Sharing stories and common experiences in a group setting builds a sense of community and belonging with your audience.
Funeral planning isn’t top of mind for most potential clients, but reinforcing the benefits of advance funeral planning and gaining trust in your community will help them remember you and your firm when they are ready to begin prearranging.
Get Started
Homesteaders has created a Community Engagement Program that includes all the promotional and presentation materials you will need to host a successful event. The presentation toolkits include:
- A customizable PowerPoint presentation
- A presenter’s checklist to ensure success before and after the presentation
- A presentation guide with script suggestions
- A promotional postcard to personalize with your funeral home’s information
- A sample press release to announce your event to the community
- Templates for social media posts to promote your event
- Evaluation/surveys to collect feedback and leads
- A follow-up tip sheet
What success have you had hosting presentations in your community? Share your experience with us in the comments below.