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Funeral Home Keepsake Options for Your Client Families

February 16, 2024 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

Personal keepsakes play a special role in providing comfort for families who have lost a loved one. A keepsake reminds people of the life and love they shared, representing their memories in the form of an item that is significant to them. Choosing a keepsake is a very personal decision for any family, so it is important for funeral professionals to not only provide keepsake options, but also to address them in a thoughtful way. We’ll share answers to questions that funeral professionals may have regarding personal keepsakes, and how to approach the topic with client families.

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Why Families Prearrange: Trends Funeral Professionals Need to Know

December 12, 2023 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

Not all families have an opportunity to prepare for or understand their loved one’s end-of-life wishes. In situations where death occurs unexpectedly, the process of planning a meaningful service or celebration of life without their loved one’s input can take an emotional and financial toll on the family members they left behind. That is why it is important to ensure families know that making advance funeral plans can help relieve that burden for their loved ones. 

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How Cemeteries are Staying Relevant in the Digital Age

August 24, 2023 by Aemelia Tripp
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

Have you seen the 2005 film Serenity? There was a scene where (mild spoiler alert) you see three gravestones overlooking rugged and rocky desert terrain. You might have noticed there was something different about these gravestones: they each held a digital pixel-style image hovering above the stone with a holographic portrait of each person who had passed. These mini-movies seem to only exist in the science fiction deathcare space. But maybe there’s a place for the future in our present.

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How AI Can Be Used in Funeral Services

July 13, 2023 by Aemelia Tripp
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a burgeoning tool I’m sure you’ve heard about lately, but how can you use it or should you even use it in the funeral industry? There are various AI tools available for content writing and image and video creation. In this post we will focus on tips for content writing with AI for funeral services.

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Final Disposition Options for Families Who Choose Cremation

March 23, 2023 by Aemelia Tripp
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

Cremation has exploded in popularity in recent years. According to a CANA (the Cremation Association of North America) publication The Cremationist, the national cremation rate for 2021 was 57.5%. Among Homesteaders’ policyholders who prearranged, the cremation rate for 2022 was 57.0%. Here are thoughts from families who chose cremation services. While it’s not the most environmentally friendly method for disposition, cremation does have several eco-benefits. Families who choose cremation often forgo traditional caskets, which saves on resources like wood, metal and concrete – as well as the energy used to produce them. Cremation often takes up less space in a cemetery or none at all if the urn is kept at home or the ashes are spread on private property.

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Death Care Collective Empowers Female Leaders in the Funeral Industry

March 17, 2023 by Nicole Eilers
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

A significant demographic shift in the funeral industry has occurred in recent years. As more female workers enter the funeral profession, the need for a space to provide community and support for success quickly arose, and the Death Care Collective initiative was established. A group of driven female leaders in the industry were determined to provide opportunities to empower one another and promote the employment and advancement of women in the funeral industry. Thus the formation of the member-based group, which is currently in the process of becoming a registered nonprofit organization.

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Funeral Business Leadership Series: Part 3 - Leading in the Community

November 17, 2022 by Aemelia Tripp
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured, Funeral Home Business

This is the final post in a series of three blog posts showcasing how small improvements can help you become a business leader in your industry and community. In the first post, we discussed Leading the Business, in the second post we discovered Leading a Team and in this third post, we will cover how to be a leader in your community, including establishing yourself as a thought leader, joining community groups, hosting community events and boosting your digital marketing efforts.

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Funeral Business Leadership Series: Part 2 - Leading a Team

November 10, 2022 by Aemelia Tripp
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured, Funeral Home Business

This is the second in a series of three blog posts showcasing how small improvements can help you become a business leader in your industry and community. In the first post, we discussed Leading the Business, and in this second post, we will cover how to hire, manage and retain an exceptional team of funeral professionals.

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Funeral Business Leadership Series

November 10, 2022 by Aemelia Tripp
Funeral Industry Trends, Funeral Home Business

From staying up to date on industry trends, hiring the right people for your business to even marketing and community outreach, you are focused on running and growing your funeral home business. We know it can be exhausting, but we’re here to help! This series of three blog posts showcases how small improvements can help you become a business leader in your industry and community.

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Funeral Business Leadership Series: Part 1 - Leading the Business

November 3, 2022 by Nicole Eilers
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured, Funeral Home Business

This is the first in a series of three blog posts showcasing how small improvements can help you become a business leader in your community and industry. In this first post, we will cover essential traits for successful funeral business professionals and upcoming industry trends to watch out for in the coming year.

As a funeral professional, you often take care of a variety of functions in your business, handling everything from planning and executing funerals (obviously!) to accounting, human resources or even social media. It can be exhausting to say the least. So how do you find time to keep up with all of it? Let’s uncover the essential traits that successful funeral professionals need and our prediction on the top three key industry trends to keep an eye on in the coming years.

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