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Dispelling Myths About the Funeral Profession

April 26, 2024 by Aemelia Tripp
Featured, Funeral Planning

With the internet and copious amounts of information at our fingertips, sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between myth and fact, even in the funeral profession. You will likely require a funeral professional’s services sometime in your life, and you may have uncertainties about what to expect throughout the process. With the expertise of some Homesteaders’ account executives who have worked in or with funeral homes for many years, this post sheds light on the reality of funerals and the funeral profession.

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How to Connect with More Preneed Families

December 12, 2023 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Planning

There are more ways than ever to connect with preneed families. The challenge is to find the methods that are effective for your funeral home and community – and implement them well.

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Telling Your Clients’ Stories Through Advance Funeral Planning

December 12, 2023 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Planning

Whether we admit it or not, many of us would like to have a say in how we are remembered. With that in mind, the role of a preneed professional becomes crucial in ensuring clients’ prearrangements truly reflect their lives. 

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Tips for Operating a Successful Preneed Team

December 12, 2023 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Planning

I think you’d be hard-pressed to find many professions that require such a strong willingness to go above and beyond expectations as the funeral profession. On any day, any member of your firm’s staff may need to jump into many different roles to ensure families receive exceptional service when memorializing their loved ones.

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4 Ways Preneed Can Help Your At-Need Business

December 12, 2023 by Danielle Burmeister
Funeral Home Business, Funeral Planning

We already know that a robust preneed program is a valuable part of any funeral business. Not only does it help ensure the long-term security of your firm, but it also provides a service that families really want and need.

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3 Reasons Your Preneed Funeral Planning Program Isn’t What It Could Be

December 12, 2023 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Planning

Too many consumers still do not know they can plan and fund their funerals in advance. Plain and simple, it all boils down to awareness. Can it really be this straightforward?

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What Motivates the Baby Boomer Generation to Prearrange?

December 12, 2023 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Planning

As Baby Boomers begin thinking about end-of-life issues, funeral professionals should understand their attitudes and preferences. Whether or not someone from this generation is ready to make advance funeral plans for themself, their perceptions of funeral service will shape how funeral professionals promote the value of their services.

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Why Advance Funeral Arrangements Matter for the “Silent Generation”

December 12, 2023 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Planning

They’re family-focused. They’ve been described as having “redefined leadership.” And they’re the generation that drove a booming economy. They’re members of the Silent Generation, born 1925-1945, and their values and perceptions about funeral service can have a significant impact on your funeral home’s advance funeral planning program.

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6 Funeral Business Scenarios Preneed Funeral Planning Can Help Solve

December 12, 2023 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Business, Funeral Planning

Funeral directors must navigate many challenges each day in order to operate a successful funeral home business. You demonstrate the agility required to meet shifting consumer demands and manage the effects of economic conditions — all while ensuring that families receive the best possible care during day-to-day operations.

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How to Help Families Talk to Their Loved Ones About Funeral Planning

December 12, 2023 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Planning

As you interact with families each day, you experience many different perceptions and attitudes about death. You’ve likely encountered people who know very little about end-of-life issues or how funeral planning works — simply because they’ve never taken the time to think about these issues or discuss them with others.

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