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Low-Cost Video Marketing Tools for Funeral Homes

February 15, 2019 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing

Did you know that video marketing remains a key priority for businesses? Many business owners cited reduced production costs, shorter production times and easier in-house creation as reasons they decided to jump on board. Deciding to start creating your own videos can be daunting, but with a little planning, you can create effective marketing videos for your funeral home. 

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How to Ensure Your Preneed Program Aligns with Your Funeral Home Brand

August 24, 2017 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing

Branding is a cornerstone of effective marketing. It distinguishes you from your competitors and helps to keep your firm top-of-mind. Branding is a feeling you get when you walk into a business and an understanding of what a business stands for without having to point it out. 

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How Your Funeral Home Can Help Families Observe Memorial Day

May 18, 2017 by Danielle Burmeister
Funeral Home Marketing

In the spring of 1868, General John Logan issued an order to the Grand Army of the Republic, a brotherhood of Veterans of the Union Army, Navy and Marine Corps:

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Maintaining Relationships with Funeral Business Client Families

February 2, 2017 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing

It’s something nearly every funeral professional hates to see: An obituary for someone from a family served for generations, who this time chose another funeral home. Things have changed during the past decade or so, which affects the way funeral directors must think about their funeral business.

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9 Tips for Planning and Executing Successful Preneed Presentations

November 10, 2016 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing, Community Engagement

Funeral service is about sharing stories, and your funeral home has an important story to tell about how advance funeral planning helps make the most difficult days in families’ lives just a little easier. One impactful way to share this story is to host a community presentation at your funeral business.

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A Guide to Veterans Day Traditions for Funeral Professionals

November 1, 2016 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing

As Veterans Day quickly approaches each year, many of us are making plans to participate in local parades, ceremonies or Veteran’s celebrations to honor the men and women who have served our country. As we prepare to recognize the sacrifices Veterans have made, we thought we would take the opportunity to share some of the rich history of this important day.

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12 Funeral Home Blog Posts You Can Write Immediately

August 2, 2016 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing

Families in your community are searching for information about funeral services online – but who is providing the answers to their questions? If you can’t confidently say that your firm’s website is a solid resource for information about funeral services in your community, it may be time to add a funeral home blog to your marketing efforts.

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Community Involvement and Outreach Ideas for Funeral Homes

June 30, 2016 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing, Funeral Home Business, Community Engagement

Marketing your firm looks a lot different these days. With countless social media channels and digital marketing tactics, there are so many new ways to reach people in your community. However, it remains true that one of the best ways to build lasting connections is to get out in your community and meet people.

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3 Signs Your Funeral Home Business Needs a Marketing Partner

May 5, 2016 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing, Funeral Home Business

There are likely many parallels in the process of a funeral home owner deciding when and how to more actively promote preneed, to how and when a consumer decides they wish to prearrange. In a recent Homesteaders Life Company study of its policy owners, 38% of the participants reported waiting a year or more to prearrange after they first considered it.

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8 Reasons to Redesign Your Funeral Home's Website

April 12, 2016 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing

A member of your community has a friend who recently prearranged with your funeral home. She had such a positive experience with your firm that she shared how glad she was that she put her plans in place and encouraged her friend to do the same. Curious, this newly referred potential client pulled up your firm’s website on her smartphone. Does the experience your website provides match the exceptional service her friend described? If she conducts additional research on your website later, will she find enough information to encourage her to set up an appointment?

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