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The Funeral Home Marketing Plan Series

January 19, 2022 by Amy Johnson
Funeral Home Marketing, Featured

Do you have a steady stream of preneed and at-need clients, or do you find that your marketing campaigns fall short of generating enough qualified leads to support your business goals? Having a comprehensive marketing plan in place can help you target the right consumers in your community with the right messaging at the right time. This complete series will walk you through the fundamentals of creating a funeral home marketing plan that works and aid you with resources to help you build or refine your funeral home’s marketing plan.

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What A Funeral Home Marketing Plan Is and Why It’s Necessary

December 16, 2021 by Amy Johnson
Funeral Home Marketing, Featured

Developing a comprehensive funeral home marketing plan begins with understanding the people in your community, which, in the marketing world, means conducting a market analysis. Without getting a deep sense of who these people are, you risk throwing your marketing dollars in the metaphorical fire.

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5 Ways to Honor Veterans in Your Community

October 28, 2021 by Amy Johnson
Funeral Home Marketing, Featured

So many men and women have dedicated their lives to answering our nation’s call, and many ask for nothing in return. These individuals have proven their devotion to our country, and we owe them the same devotion and gratitude in return.

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Today's Fundamentals for Marketing Your Funeral Home

August 26, 2021 by Welton Hong
Funeral Home Marketing, Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

The digital age has been in full swing for several years now, but it's different in 2021. We're all getting back down to business after the COVID-19 pandemic turned everything on its ear. Independent funeral homes find themselves reckoning with the most significant disruption event they've faced in years.

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High Impact Marketing Ideas for Your Firm

April 30, 2021 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing, Featured

For funeral professionals, there is never enough time in the day to complete every task that needs to be done. Even the best-laid plans are often interrupted. You spend as much time as you can helping families say goodbye to their loved ones, but still also need to find time for administrative work to maintain the building and keep the business running. Marketing is an essential piece of that puzzle as well. These high-impact marketing ideas will help you work smarter, not harder, to ensure your community's families understand all you have to offer.

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The Importance of Community Presentations

January 24, 2020 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing, Featured, Community Engagement

Hosting group presentations in your community is an important marketing component for many funeral homes. When executed correctly, group presentations can help share the benefits of advance funeral planning with more families. Even though hosting these community events is very different from funerals, planning group presentations utilizes the highly developed planning skills that funeral professionals already possess.

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Effective Direct Mail Practices for Your Funeral Home Business

September 26, 2019 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing, Funeral Home Business

For many years, funeral home businesses have used direct mail as one way to establish relationships with potential preneed customers. The value of using direct mail for funeral home marketing has stood the test of time, but the most effective methods are always changing alongside evolving consumer preferences.  

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SEO Tips for Your Funeral Home Website

July 12, 2019 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing

When was the last time you conducted an online search and explored past the first page of results? If you’re like most search engine users, you probably rarely even bother to pay attention to websites that appear after the top five results.

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How to Promote Your Funeral Business at a Community Event

June 6, 2019 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing, Community Engagement

Getting your firm involved in community events can have a significant impact on your funeral home marketing, providing opportunities to interact with local influencers who may recommend your services to an even larger audience. Sticking with the same event routine every year — or opting out entirely — isn’t likely to help you earn referrals and new business.

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Common Funeral Home Marketing Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

May 13, 2019 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing

Marketing is a constantly moving target. There are a thousand ways to do it and no clear-cut path to success. It’s often a game of trial and error, which can be frustrating for businesses that are trying to reach more customers. Even though there’s no fool proof map to marketing success, there are several ways to hurt your marketing efforts before they even begin. Here are several marketing mistakes to avoid when promoting a funeral home’s services.

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