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Funeral Industry Statistics That Will Influence Your Marketing Efforts

April 5, 2016 by Danielle Burmeister
Funeral Home Marketing

In today’s competitive marketplace, funeral home marketing is an essential component of a successful long-term business strategy. Many of our funeral home customers have limited resources to devote to marketing. In fact, 44% of respondents to Kates-Boylston’s latest marketing survey spend less than $15,000 on their annual marketing efforts. The same survey found that only 29% of funeral home owners write an annual marketing plan for their business, meaning that nearly three fourths of respondents don’t have a strategy in place to allocate those limited marketing dollars.

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Establish Your Funeral Home Business as an Expert Community Resource

March 22, 2016 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing, Funeral Home Business, Community Engagement

Consumers’ perceptions of a business are often influenced by messages they encounter before they experience the organization’s products or services. In an effort to ensure they’re making the best possible choice, they turn to many different resources to learn more about what the company offers – and to gather opinions from others.

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Integrating Fitness-Related Grief Support into Funeral Home Aftercare

March 17, 2016 by Danielle Burmeister
Funeral Home Marketing, Aftercare

Grief is a long, hard and complicated process. It can take decades for someone to overcome the pain of a sudden, traumatic loss. That’s why, as a funeral professional, it is so important that your funeral home marketing efforts include aftercare. Finding creative ways — like fitness events — to reach your client families after their loss can be instrumental in helping them process their grief.

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How Genealogy Can Help You Promote the Value of Funeral Service

March 10, 2016 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing

Genealogy and funeral service share important common threads: Both involve building and enhancing family connections and ensuring lives are not forgotten. Because of this, hosting a genealogy-related event at your funeral home can help people in the community form relationships with your funeral home and become advocates for the value you provide

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Using Pinterest for Funeral Home Marketing

February 4, 2016 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing, Funeral Home Social Media

In 2010, Ben Silbermann posted the first pin on the visual bookmarking website Pinterest. It was a milestone step in what had been a long journey to create a new online experience. Silbermann and his business partners wanted to take the personal activity of collecting to the internet – and it worked.

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How to Conduct A Market Analysis for Your Funeral Home Business

February 2, 2016 by Amy Johnson
Funeral Home Marketing, Featured

Many local business owners say they know their communities very well. But often, these business owners base their understanding of a community’s demographics, attitudes and preferences on anecdotal evidence – not data. For example, a business owner might make assumptions about how the community perceives their business based on a small sample of feedback they personally receive from clients. While instincts and personal experience hold some value, they do not provide all of the information necessary to make strategic and tactical decisions that result in long-term success for a business.

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Continuing the Conversation After Prearranging

January 12, 2016 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing, Funeral Planning

Families who prearrange with your funeral home will appreciate an ongoing relationship with you. In turn, your firm will also benefit from the boost in customer loyalty and increased referrals. Here are a few simple ways you can continue the relationship with families who have prearranged with your funeral home.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Funeral Home Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

January 7, 2016 by Danielle Burmeister
Funeral Home Marketing

It's no secret that facility maintenance, staff salaries and licensing fees demand a large portion of your funeral home's annual overhead, leaving little budget for new initiatives. Fortunately, funeral home marketing doesn't have to cost a lot. Today's digital landscape rewards imagination and creative customer experience far more often than costly marketing campaigns. Not sure where to start? Discover five ways to improve your funeral home marketing on a shoestring budget.

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How a Funeral Home Blog Can Help You Connect with Your Community

November 12, 2015 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Marketing, Community Engagement

More and more often, people turn to online resources to get information that drives their purchasing decisions. Beyond using your website to find general information about your services, members of your community could also be exploring the content to gain a better overall picture of the type of business you’re operating – and form opinions about whether or not they’d want to use your services in the future.

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4 Ways Aftercare Can Help Grow Your Funeral Home Business

August 27, 2015 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing, Aftercare

Successful funeral professionals recognize that the funeral service is not the end. Your relationship with families begins when you start the planning process and extends beyond the conclusion of the memorial and burial services. For some families, this relationship may only last a few weeks, while other families may benefit from aftercare for months or even years. 

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