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Homesteaders Introduces Calling Hours, A New Podcast For Funeral Professionals

March 14, 2024 by Nicole Eilers
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Funeral professionals have many responsibilities that demand a great deal of time. Combined with constantly evolving changes in the profession, it can be difficult to stay connected to the latest trends, technologies and practices happening within the industry. Podcasts are a useful way to hear the latest news and information in a convenient and accessible format. Although, there are millions of podcasts available to stream at your fingertips, so it can be difficult to sort through to find one focused on the funeral profession. That’s why Homesteaders is pleased to announce our new podcast, Calling Hours, which is solely dedicated to the deathcare industry and developed specifically for funeral professionals.

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What We Appreciate About Funeral Professionals

March 12, 2024 by Niki Smith
Featured, Funeral Home Business

In times of grief and loss, client families often find solace in the compassionate care provided by funeral professionals. These dedicated individuals play a crucial role in guiding families through the challenging process of saying goodbye to their loved ones. While their work is often behind the scenes, the impact they have on families is profound and invaluable.

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The Funeral Rule is Facing Updates: Here's How Your Firm Can Prepare

February 29, 2024 by Nicole Eilers
Featured, Funeral Home Business

For funeral professionals, it’s important to maintain professionalism and empathy throughout a client family’s experience with your business. Providing clear and itemized pricing information is also very important. Not only does this allow your families to make informed decisions without feeling added pressure during an already emotional time, but it also ensures that your funeral home is in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Funeral Rule.

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Lessons on Grief from Cinema

February 22, 2024 by Aemelia Tripp
Featured, Aftercare

The Oscars (Academy Awards) are swiftly approaching and, with other awards shows under our nation’s belt this year, we have movies on our minds! While we didn’t find notable depictions of grief in the 2023 nominations, we decided to reach back to a few of our favorite films that center around death and grieving.

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Funeral Home Keepsake Options for Your Client Families

February 16, 2024 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

Personal keepsakes play a special role in providing comfort for families who have lost a loved one. A keepsake reminds people of the life and love they shared, representing their memories in the form of an item that is significant to them. Choosing a keepsake is a very personal decision for any family, so it is important for funeral professionals to not only provide keepsake options, but also to address them in a thoughtful way. We’ll share answers to questions that funeral professionals may have regarding personal keepsakes, and how to approach the topic with client families.

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5 Grief Resources for Funeral Professionals

February 1, 2024 by Niki Smith
Featured, Aftercare

You have heard and said this phrase a thousand times: Everyone grieves differently. So, how do you provide support when every single grieving person has a different experience? We know you’re busy with the day-to-day operations, but we understand the value of staying connected to your client families.

Below we have highlighted a few resources (many which are free) that you can easily implement in your funeral home or supply to your client families.

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Highlights from ICCFA DEAD Talks 2024

January 25, 2024 by Nicole Eilers
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Last week, hundreds of funeral service professionals from all over (as far away as Guatemala!) traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada for the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA) DEAD Talks 2024 sales conference at the Park MGM. Homesteaders Life Company was a proud Black Diamond sponsor for the 2024 event, held January 16-18.

ICCFA is the only international trade association representing all segments of the cemetery, funeral service, cremation and memorialization profession. Each year, they host an annual conference featuring speakers in a variety of sales-related topics like marketing, strategy and even AI in business as well as provide ample networking opportunities.

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2024 Ins and Outs for Funeral Professionals

January 18, 2024 by Aemelia Tripp
Featured, Funeral Home Business

You may have seen “ins” and “outs” lists floating around the internet, and we thought the funeral profession could use a list, too! This list is all about what is “in” for 2024 – what will challenge us in good ways and what we will carry into this new year, and what is “out” – or what we will leave behind in 2023 and do better in 2024. Be sure to add your own ins and outs for funeral professionals in the comment section below!

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4 Focus Areas for Your Funeral Home Business in 2024

January 11, 2024 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Home Business

The start of a new year is an opportunity to set goals for business growth for the next 12 months – and beyond. Looking ahead to opportunities for the future, we have compiled a list of four key focus areas to work on and pay attention to this year.

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5 Book Recommendations for Funeral Directors

January 3, 2024 by Niki Smith
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Funeral directors play a crucial role in guiding individuals through one of life's most challenging experiences - grief. To excel in this compassionate profession, continuous learning is key. We did some research among staff and through thousands of online reviews to suggest five books for funeral directors or morticians. Below you will find five recommendations, each with the possibility of bringing unique value to your professional and personal lives.

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