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5 Reasons Why We’re Thankful for Funeral Professionals

March 11, 2021 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Even in relatively “typical” conditions, funeral professionals help families navigate extraordinarily challenging situations with compassionate service. When COVID-19 disrupted everyday life across the country, funeral professionals were suddenly among those who the public called to respond quickly and tirelessly to help their communities through the challenges of the pandemic. Today, those same professionals continue to demonstrate their strength and determination in ways that make a tremendous difference to the families they serve. 

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Efficiency Tips for Busy Funeral Professionals

February 12, 2021 by Alyssa McNab
Featured, Funeral Home Business

When faced with frequently changing circumstances, flexibility and patience are the keys to remaining productive. It’s important to take time to reflect on the things that can help us be more efficient so that when unanticipated scenarios do occur, we’re better prepared to handle them. Here are a few ways to cross more items off your “to-do” list, keep tasks running smoothly and stay focused on your funeral business's long-term success.

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Focus Areas for Your Funeral Home’s Future

January 22, 2021 by Alyssa McNab
Featured, Funeral Home Business

As we start the year, firms continue to adapt and innovate to meet the needs of client families, finding new ways to provide exceptional care in spite of constantly changing circumstances. It’s a good time to take stock of potential opportunities that help your firm successfully serve your community long into the future.

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What Innovative Funeral Homes are Doing to Stay Ahead

October 1, 2020 by Alyssa McNab
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Thinking ahead to “what’s next” can be particularly tough when day-to-day-tasks are demanding and the short-term future seems uncertain. But innovative funeral home owners and managers aren’t just thinking about the technology, services and products their client families want now. They’re looking ahead to how those current needs could influence consumers’ perceptions and the types of experiences their communities may expect from them in the future.

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Serving LGBTQ+ Families: Tips for Funeral Professionals

June 18, 2020 by Jill Muenich
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Each June, cities across America host parades, speaking events and community building activities to celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month. It’s a time for us to acknowledge and honor the impact and accomplishments of those in the LGBTQ+ community. It’s also a time to listen and learn, and to reflect on how we, as a profession, can engage with this community at a higher level.

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Creative Funeral Service Ideas During the Coronavirus Pandemic

April 3, 2020 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Home Business

The coronavirus pandemic affected us all in different ways — many of us lost family members and friends unexpectedly and many of us know someone who lost a family member or friend. We are heartbroken for anyone who experienced a loss during the pandemic, but, most of all, we are heartbroken because we were not able to show our support in person with a hug or a few words of support at their funeral services. Our hearts ache to know these families were not able to be surrounded by the army of friends and relatives they’ve each had supporting them through other, less painful life events.

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Effective Direct Mail Practices for Your Funeral Home Business

September 26, 2019 by Homesteaders Life Company
Funeral Home Marketing, Funeral Home Business

For many years, funeral home businesses have used direct mail as one way to establish relationships with potential preneed customers. The value of using direct mail for funeral home marketing has stood the test of time, but the most effective methods are always changing alongside evolving consumer preferences.  

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6 Easy Ways to Improve Communication with Client Families

March 28, 2019 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Business

Families frequently cite excellent communication as a key component of their satisfaction when writing their reviews. Here are six easy ways to improve the way you communicate with client families and start earning even more great reviews for your own firm.

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How To Recruit And Retain Millennial Employees

March 21, 2019 by Steve Shaffer
Funeral Industry Trends, Funeral Home Business

The millennial generation is the next up-and-coming group of people who are preparing to take over funeral home business operations. It can seem like a difficult task to find and keep employees who are part of this younger generation, and for good reason. The average millennial holds 7.8 different jobs between the ages of 18 and 30, which can make them seem unwilling to settle down. The truth is that millennials want to be treated just like any other employee, with a few select differences. 

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5 Characteristics that Make Us Grateful for Funeral Professionals

November 15, 2018 by Alyssa McNab
Funeral Home Business

One of my colleagues at Homesteaders recently shared her thoughts about working with funeral professionals, and one comment in particular really resonated with me: “They are just the kind of people that you want to know,” she said. “They have the biggest hearts, and they would do anything for you.”

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