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Understanding Customer Lifetime Value for Your Funeral Home

May 20, 2022 by Alyssa McNab
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Customers have high expectations from the companies they choose to do business with – and many of the items they value are related to the experiences those companies provide. According to a 2022 survey conducted by Salesforce Research, 88% of customers agreed that the experience a company provides is as important as its product or services. In addition, most customers (73%) agreed that they “expect companies to understand my unique needs and expectations.”

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The Complete Guide to Implementing A Funeral Home CRM System

May 10, 2022 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Evaluating and implementing a funeral home customer relationship management (CRM) system requires careful upfront planning, time, resources and buy-in from your staff. But the rewards outweigh the risks if your staff fully adopts the system.

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How to Evaluate If A Funeral Home CRM System Is Right for Your Firm

May 3, 2022 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Evaluating if your firm needs a customer relationship management (CRM) system begins with analyzing your current funeral home operations to identify areas of improvement and opportunity. In most scenarios where you feel your firm could grow or become more efficient, a funeral home CRM system can help. Discover seven questions to help you evaluate your current operations and identify if you should pursue a funeral home CRM for your firm.

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4 Low-Cost Ways to Personalize a Funeral Service

May 3, 2022 by Niki Smith
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Funeral trends continue to change as consumers get more creative in how they honor loved ones. With many online options to share content, those ideas spread even more quickly. Personalizing a service helps families find comfort in happy memories of their loved one’s unique characteristics and stories. And when families prearrange their funerals, they can add even more personal details without the time constraint of planning an at-need funeral. Offering your suggestions for customization will help you earn your clients’ satisfaction, referrals and positive reviews. People who attend the services will also take note of the extra care you took to make the experience meaningful.

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Tips for Hiring Preneed Professionals

February 25, 2022 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Hiring new employees can be both exciting and daunting. In addition to your day-to-day tasks and taking care of the families you serve, you must find time to advertise for the position, screen résumés and conduct interviews; not to mention the additional pressure to make sure you find a candidate who will fit your company culture.

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Key Funeral Home Business Growth Opportunities for 2022

January 10, 2022 by Alyssa McNab
Featured, Funeral Home Business

The start of a new year is often a time of renewed energy and focus as business leaders reflect on the previous year and pursue even greater success in the year to come. For funeral service leaders, this means even more opportunities to act on the lessons learned about client families’ preferences as the coronavirus pandemic continues to change how consumers interact with service providers.

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How to Select the Right Funeral Home CRM

November 19, 2021 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Selecting a technology solution is a major step for any business. Introducing a new system requires careful planning and often a steep learning curve, so you want to be sure the option you choose is an ideal long-term fit for your funeralhome. This is especially true for your funeral home's customer relationship management (CRM) system.

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Simple Ways to Build Relationships with Funeral Home Client Families

September 17, 2021 by Alyssa McNab
Featured, Funeral Home Business

A single interaction may be your only opportunity to earn business or a referral for a client family. As consumers continue to place high value on exceptional customer experiences, each chance to quickly build – and then maintain – relationships is incredibly valuable. Consider that a study by Salesforce indicated that 72% of customers will share their good experiences with others.

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9 Tips to Improve Your Phone Interactions with Families

June 24, 2021 by Lisa Hurt
Featured, Funeral Home Business

Funeral providers receive phone calls each day that vary wildly in tone and topic. You are fielding calls from business partners and vendors, community members seeking information about prearranging or an upcoming service and highly emotional calls from families who have just lost a loved one. Understanding what impacts your phone interactions is the best way to make sure you start each conversation on the right foot. Here are nine tips for improving your phone interactions.

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The Importance of Online Funeral Planning

June 4, 2021 by Nick Grant
Featured, Funeral Home Business, Funeral Planning

In 2019, the average Baby Boomer spent 27 hours online — a quarter of their waking hours. A Forbes study found Boomers are more likely than any other generation to spend an hour or more per day online. The vast majority of Boomers read articles and blogs (60%), buy goods and services (92%), consume entertainment, communicate and shop online.

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