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6 Reasons to Preplan Your Funeral

August 10, 2023 by Nicole Eilers
Featured, Funeral Planning

No one likes the thought of their own death, and planning a funeral can be uncomfortable and daunting for some people, but it doesn’t have to be. With advance funeral planning, you’re helping ensure your final wishes and saving your family the emotional and financial burden of having to make these important decisions after you’re gone.

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Lock in Today’s Prices with P3 Casket Price Protection Plan

August 9, 2023 by Niki Smith
Featured, Funeral Home Business

We know that for many funeral providers even small increases in material cost can significantly impact your already shrinking profit margin. This means many firms are always looking for ways to control costs without impacting quality of service.

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Personalize Your Experience at the 2023 NFDA Convention

August 3, 2023 by Homesteaders Life Company
Featured, Industry Events

The end of summer is rapidly approaching – and so is the 2023 National Funeral Directors Association International Convention & Expo, which heads to Las Vegas, September 10-13. An earlier start to the convention this year means a shorter wait until we can reconnect and share ideas, best practices and new tools for reaching more families in your communities and continuing to build upon the exceptional standard of service you provide.

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How to Choose a Funeral Home

July 27, 2023 by Aemelia Tripp
Featured, Funeral Planning

Whether you live in a small town, a big city or anything in between, choosing a funeral home can feel overwhelming. If you don’t have an existing personal connection to a funeral provider, the options can seem boundless. What does each provider offer that sets it apart from the rest? How will they care for you and your loved one? How much will it all cost? These and more questions may run through your mind when making this important choice.

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Funeral Home Marketing Trends to Follow

July 20, 2023 by Amy Johnson
Funeral Home Marketing, Featured

Consumer preferences and communication styles are ever-evolving, which means it can be difficult to keep your finger on the pulse and know exactly how — and where — to reach your target audience. Although keeping pace with marketing trends, especially if you’re on a limited funeral home marketing budget, may not always be top of mind, paying attention to what channels and tactics are resonating most with today’s consumers will give your firm an advantage over competitors who fail to look ahead.

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How AI Can Be Used in Funeral Services

July 13, 2023 by Aemelia Tripp
Funeral Industry Trends, Featured

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a burgeoning tool I’m sure you’ve heard about lately, but how can you use it or should you even use it in the funeral industry? There are various AI tools available for content writing and image and video creation. In this post we will focus on tips for content writing with AI for funeral services.

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6 Tips to Successfully Sell Your Funeral Home Business

July 6, 2023 by Nicole Eilers
Funeral Home Business

Managing and operating a successful funeral home is certainly not for the faint of heart, so when it comes time to transition the business, it may be difficult to put together a succession plan for something that represents your life’s work.

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Facebook Ads for Funeral Homes: Tips for Promoting Your Business with a Small Budget

June 29, 2023 by Niki Smith
Featured, Funeral Home Social Media

In the world of social media, Facebook is king. Even with fluctuating users, Facebook has, by far, the most users over any other social media platform, with nearly 3 billion users — almost half of the world’s 8 billion population. Additionally, the average age of users is rising each year.

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Why Funeral Professionals Should Read Man's Search for Meaning

June 22, 2023 by Dr. Jason Troyer
Featured, Finding Resilience

What can funeral professionals learn from the horrific history of World War II, specifically from Viktor Frankl — a unique figure from this time? In 1942, Frankl, his wife and much of his family were taken from Vienna and forced to live in a series of Nazi concentration camps. Over the next three years, Frankl would be separated from his family and live in four concentration camps, including Auschwitz. His wife, brother, father and mother all died at the camps.

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Questions to Ask to Help Customize Funeral Services

June 15, 2023 by Aemelia Tripp
Featured, Funeral Home Business

As funeral professionals, you strive for kindness and respect toward your client families to help them feel as comfortable as possible when sharing details about their loved one. While respect has always been paramount, best practices in respect have evolved as we learn more about language and empathy. The questions you ask families can become the foundation of curiosity and understanding them or their loved one. Questions can also lead to details about a loved one that you can incorporate into a meaningful and customized funeral service. We’ve gathered some helpful questions from Homesteaders employees who have firsthand experience working in funeral homes. We hope these questions will provide inspiration and ideas that you can incorporate into your questions list when meeting with clients and client families.

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